Political Process

Head of States

As heads of states play a pivotal role in raising awareness of water-related issues, providing political support, forging partnerships, and influencing national and international policy. Their involvement can help to drive action and ensure that water is in the world’s political agenda.

Ministerial Process

As the heads of a main government body, sharing knowledge and experiences, advocating for national priorities, networking and partnership building, influencing policy, and committing to action are expected by joining in the Forum process. These outcomes can help to build capacity, foster collaboration, and promote effective water governance at the national and international levels.

Local Authorities Process

The local authority process is to advocate for local water priorities, network and build partnerships, and make influence policies associated with the local water context. These outcomes can help to build the capacity to understand local issues and the condition of water and promote water governance at the local level. 

Parliamentarian Process

The expected outcomes of the parliamentary process include sharing best practices and experiences in producing legal frameworks for water and sanitation management, prioritizing water in budget discussions, networking, and partnership building.

Basin Authorities Process 

The basin segment includes sharing best practices and experiences, advocating for basin-specific needs, networking and partnership building, influencing policy, and committing to action mainly based on the basin view. These outcomes can help to build capacity, nurture collaboration, and stimulate effective water governance at the basin level.

At the 9th World Water Forum, the World Water Council (WWC) introduced a  high-level political segment dedicated to basins , in collaboration with the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO), the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the Organization for the Development of the Gambia River (OMVG), the Organization for the Development of the Senegal River (OMVS) and the Swiss Confederation. The aim of this segment is to promote dialogue between the stakeholders involved in water resource management at basin level and to support the commitments made by basin organizations as platforms for multi-stakeholder dialogue and models of good water governance. It highlights basin management as a essential tool for achieving the water-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 6, which aims to ensure universal, equitable and affordable access to safe drinking water for all. This section devoted to water basins is fully in line with the Forum's political process, while being closely linked with regional and thematic processes.